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My Portfolio

About me

Hi! I make maps for source engine games but I also dabble in other things like photo editing, 3D modelling and animation, and now website development. You can find examples of my work below.

My work

Source and the hammer editor

The source engine is an engine which was used primarily by Valve to develop their games from 2004 to the late 2010s. Despite the engine's age it is still commonly used to make mods and games, examples of these include the Entropy Zero games (mods of Valve's iconic half life games) and Garry's mod (the game I mod for!)

I've been making maps for the game garry's mod for about 3 years. This involves using the Hammer editor, the official tool used to develop maps for games made in the source engine, you can see a screenshot of it below!

The hammer editor

>(The map in the screenshot is an unfinished map by me, you can see more screenshots of it in the gallery section.)

My maps focus mostly on scenics and visuals, thougn I have made a few campaign style maps for Half life 2.

you can find examples of my work on my steam account

Image manipulation and map making

I am less experienced in this than I am with mapping, my work in image editing is mostly in the creation of concept game maps, notably my concept Grand theft auto maps.

These maps are made using the photo editing program GIMP. The maps themselves are mostly collages of hundreds of satellite images from google earth, you can see a WIP one below.

A WIP concept map for Grand theft auto 6

I also have some experience making texutres using GIMP, mostly for maps and 3D models

3D modelling and animation

I have experience creating 3D models using the program Blender, an open source 3D modelling and animation software. Using blender has given me experience in not only modelling, but also procedural texutues, UV editing and animation.

I have been using blender for around 4 years to create all sorts of 3D things, you can see one of my recent projects in Blender below

The project as seen in blender

The image seen above is a screenshot of a short animation made by me inspired by the album "Everywhere at the end of time". All textures and models used in the animation were made by me using a combination of GIMP and procedural textures. You can see one of the textures I created in GIMP for the animation below.

One of the textures used in the project

I also have experience using Source filmaker and Source 2 filmaker, 3D animation programs made for the Source engine and Source 2 engine. The image below is a render I made using Source 2 filmaker, the models are not made by me but the lighting, posing and composition are all by me.

One of my S2FM renders

You can find more examples of my 3D modelling and animation work (and my other work in general) on my Youtube channel

Other work

I have some experience in video editing using Davinci resolve and the Blender video editor, you can see one of my projects below

the blender video editor

I have some basic art skills, both in drawing on paper and in digital art using primarily the program Krita, you can see one of my digital artworks in Krita below

one of my works in Krita

I also have some limited coding skills and experience in other game engines, I have learnt the basics of Gamemaker, Unreal engine 5, and HTML (to make this website!), you can see some examples of my work in all three below.

the code for this website

The image above shows the HTML code for this website in Notepad++

Below you can see a small game I made in Gamemaker using basic GML code, most of the coding was done using the help of a Youtube tutorial series but all the graphics, design and some of the coding was done by me

a small project made in gamemaker

I also have a small amount of experience using Unreal engine 5, you can see a small test map I made below.

a small project made in UE5